We purchase our clothing pre-made from a company based in Europe, who have the garments ethically manufactured in Bangladesh.
Our home fragrances are manufactured by us in Auckland, NZ.
99.17% of our clothing is made in Bangladesh
0.73% in China (Jackets in recycled polyester)
0.09% in Portugal (t-shirts in linen)
Our clothing range has the following Certifications
Comprehensive rules for ecological and socially responsible textile production
The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) was developed through collaboration by leading standard setters with the aim of defining requirements that are recognised world-wide and that ensure the organic status of textiles from harvesting of the raw materials through environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing all the way to labeling in order to provide credible assurance to the consumer.
Fair Wear Foundation Certification
The Fair Wear Foundation focus on garment production, specifically sewing, cutting and trimming processes–the most labour intensive parts of the supply chain. Fair Wear work with brands who are committed to finding a fairer way to make clothes, and engage directly with factories, trade unions, NGOs and governments to find answers to problems others think are unsolvable.
Standard 100 by Oeko-Tex Certification
OEKO-TEX® enables consumers and companies to make responsible decisions which protect our planet for future generations. The testing and certification process on which their standards are based guarantees maximum consumer safety. OEKO_TEX make sustainability easy.
GRS - Global Recycled Standard Certification
GRS is an international, voluntary, full-product standard that sets requirements for third-party certification of recycled content, chain of custody, social and environmental practices and chemical restrictions
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is the largest animal rights organization in the world, with more than 6.5 million members and supporters.
PETA focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: in laboratories, in the food industry, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment industry. PETA also work on a variety of other issues, including the cruel killing of rodents, birds, and other animals who are often considered “pests” as well as cruelty to domesticated animals.
PETA works through public education, cruelty investigations, research, animal rescue, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement, and protest campaigns.